Finale watchers alerted me to this video interview with Deke Sharon, the “musical force behind NBC’s ‘The Sing Off’ and both ‘Pitch Perfect’ films.” Among the highlights is a cleverly-edited sequence where he sings each part of an a cappella arrangement (seen in Finale 2014), and both the audio and the video have been multi-tracked.
Finale and Transcription Work
I have always assumed that top movies were translated into a handful of the most widely spoken languages.
Spotlight on Danita Ng-Poss and Jason Poss
Danita Ng-Poss and Jason Poss are versatile musicians working in Los Angeles, where they are active in music preparation, transcription, proofreading, arranging, composing, orchestration, and more.
Spotlight on “Whiplash” Composer Justin Hurwitz
A recent Finale blog post listed several Academy Award-nominated films in which Finale played a role. Each year I create a similar list by querying friends at popular music preparation companies.
Finale Spotlight on Composer Venus Rey Jr.
Like many readers of the Finale blog, I am keenly aware of the challenges and joys involved in juggling a professional, musical, and family life.