Have you ever needed to turn several Finale files into PDFs?
You could open each file and choose File > Export > PDF, but if you have a lot of files, that can become laborious.
Have you ever needed to turn several Finale files into PDFs?
You could open each file and choose File > Export > PDF, but if you have a lot of files, that can become laborious.
A fellow Finale user asked on Twitter if there was an automatic way to create measure numbers that reflect the most recent rehearsal number.
In last week’s post announcing free holiday music, we pictured the Finale Christmas tree seen above. One reader replied; “Can you tell me how you made the music Christmas trees?” and inspired this reply.
Sometimes I’m so focused on how my notation looks I utilize playback only for proofing. Other times I’m all about fine-tuning the playback.
If you have ever wrestled with aligning your dynamics and hairpins under a staff, this Finale tip is for you.