For this installment of the Finale User Spotlight, I’d like introduce to you my friend, coworker, and fellow Finale user Yvonne Grover.
Shape the Finale Blog and Win a Finale T-Shirt
Have an idea for a Finale blog post? Is there some topic you’d like to see discussed on the Finale blog?
Instrument Fingering Worksheets in Finale 2014
While Finale’s What’s New and Features web pages offer long lists of improvements found in Finale 2014, today I’d like to highlight another new benefit that you likely haven’t heard of before.
Finale and the Academy Awards
I am grateful to those filmmakers who include a final, “surprise” scene after the credits. It’s the hope of seeing something extra – that others might miss – that keeps my kids in the seats until the very end.
More New Features: Automatic Updates in Finale 2014
While Finale’s What’s New and Features web pages offer long lists of improvements found in Finale 2014, today I’d like to highlight one new benefit doesn’t appear on our website.